Book a free 20 minute call with Treska

Don’t worry— this is a super low pressure zoom call for us to chat & connect— It’s space for you to explore the intuitive ping that’s pulling you to this work & time for you to have any of your nervous system soothing / breathwork questions answered :)

Having lived this work myself and guided many women along this path, I know what kind of transformations become possible through this work-

(and I know you can experience them too.)

You know how to quickly regulate your nervous system- Instead of feeling stuck in anxiety, exhaustion, powerlessness, panic or shutdown for hours, or days you can create a stop, and return to feeling held, safe, loved and protected.

You know how to access the intuitive wisdom at the core of your anxiety - You no longer become trapped in anxiety and self-doubt vortexes, and are able to shift out of the habit of fear, understand what in you is needing care and attention, and relax into trust.

You have more time, and feel more present with your friends & loved ones- You have strong energetic boundaries, and say no to taking on the things you don’t want to do, giving you more time and energy to prioritize the relationships that nourish and support you.

You expand your income + earning capacity- You feel connected to your own inner sense of self-worth, are no longer stuck in self-limitation, over-giving or under-earning and are able to receive without feeling guilt, shame or resentment.

Your present + future relationships are more intimate, loving and connected- old shame, fear, insecurity and low-self worth aren’t blocking your connections, and keeping you from being truly seen and loved for who you are.

You feel connected to, and safe being in your body- Your body no longer feels numb, tense, or overwhelming, and you don’t feel like you have to override or disconnect from yourself- you know the rhythms of your nervous system and have specific tools that soothe, anchor, and ground you in your body.

You live in unshakeable alignment with your intuition, inner knowing and true self- you no longer silence or abandon parts of yourself to fit an outside standard, you trust and listen to yourself, and are connected to your innate power and creativity.