
I felt like something about me was broken.

For years, I felt deeply lonely and anxious. I yearned to connect with a community of women, to step into my creative power, and to shed the heavy weight of anxiety and fear. I felt exhausted, lonely and ashamed. I felt trapped and unable to move to the next level of my life. During this shadow time I compared myself with others, tried to rush my healing, and judged myself harshly for somehow not being good, or whole enough.

I was looking for a remedy outside of myself.

I sought out different healers, moved to different places, began new and different self-care practices, and tried every single herb and homeopathic remedy that could support me. Although so many of these remedies would soothe me for some time, inevitably my anxiety would return — sometimes as a jolt in the morning, and sometimes as massive panic attacks.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was stuck in old, looping fear and wounding that kept me feeling small and reliant on outside approval and guidance.

Through breathwork, I began to release the stuck energy and emotion at the root of my fear and loneliness — I began to feel connected, relaxed, and joyful.

It wasn’t until I began practicing breathwork that I realized so much old emotion, energy and wounding was stuck in my body. I was operating within an outdated system of beliefs, because all of those past painful experiences that were making me feel fearful and lonely in the present, needed to be felt and released.

Breathwork allowed me to feel safe enough to release the energy of what was keeping me stuck. It allowed me to begin to trust myself again, and to feel powerful, light, joyful and deeply connected with myself.