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Breathwork is a remedy

Breathwork is an active meditation using a specific two-part breath that quickly moves us into a deeply relaxed and altered state. From this place of deep relaxation, in the realm of the subconscious, we are able to remember, perceive and clear away old emotions that have become stuck in our nervous system and are now draining our energy and keeping us feeling blocked, overwhelmed, anxious and disconnected.

That clears out what is blocking you

Because the lungs are directly linked to the nervous system, breathwork allows you to regulate your nervous system, communicate safety to your body, and shift into an altered state of awareness,  so that you aren’t just thinking about being grounded, joyful, and relaxed- you feel that way. 

So you have the space to finally feel connected, grounded, and joyful

As you repattern your nervous system you’re able to shift out of feeling overworked, overstimulated, or disconnected from your body, and begin to feel more connected, grounded and easeful.