
Through specific breathwork practices and deeply regulating nervous system tools, I guide women to shift out of anxiety, overwhelm, and exhaustion, so they can finally step into the life they want, and feel relaxed, confident and clear.

Interested in working with me 1:1?

If part of you knows that something's not in alignment- maybe something feels like it's missing, or you have a sense that so much more is possible- but you're feeling anxious, stuck or too exhausted to access this next space in your life- you’re in the right place.

Through breathwork I guide women to connect to the profound intelligence of their bodies reclaim the forgotten & abandoned parts of themselves, and release the stuck emotion at the root of anxiety, overwhelm and stuckness so they can actually feel peaceful, relaxed and aligned.

The work I offer is a deeply transformative, and supportive roadmap to that next space in your life.

1:1 work is perfect for you if you're ready to:

Access the intuitive wisdom at the core of your anxiety, and no longer become trapped in anxiety and self-doubt vortexes.

Learn how to quickly regulate your nervous system. Instead of feeling stuck in anxiety, exhaustion, powerlessness, panic or shutdown for hours, or days you want tools that quickly create a stop, and return you to feeling held, safe, loved and protected.

Live in unshakeable alignment with your intuition, inner knowing and true self. You no longer silence or abandon parts of yourself to fit an outside standard, you trust and listen to yourself, and are connected to your innate power and creativity.

Expand your income + earning capacity. You want to feel connected to your own inner sense of self-worth, no longer stuck in self-limitation, over-giving or under-earning and are able to receive without feeling guilt, shame or resentment.

Feel connected to, and safe being in your body. Your body no longer feels numb, tense, or overwhelming, and you don’t feel like you have to override or disconnect from yourself- you know the rhythms of your nervous system and have specific tools that soothe, anchor, and ground you in your body.

Experience relationships that are more intimate, loving and connected. Your old shame, fear, insecurity and low-self worth aren’t blocking your connections, and keeping you from being truly seen and loved for who you are.

Make conscious, deliberate and clear decisions aligned with your authentic values. You no longer feel permeable, vulnerable, or boundary-less- the fears of disappointing, or upsetting others, making a mistake, being judged or “failing” fade away.

“I feel expansive, deeply connected and clear for the first time in years.

The anxiety, inner voices and grief that have told me what I shouldn’t or couldn’t have or do faded into the background as my art, business, and relationships have blossomed.

I’m more present and connected with my husband, and children, I have more energy, and am connected to the wellspring of clarity and creativity that flows from my dreams and inner worlds into my life.

Treska’s work is life changing- it’s an investment in yourself, your future, and your family.

Knowing that I have this time with her to deeply ground and connect to myself on a regular basis allows me to actually really feel my emotions (even though I thought I was good at that!) be present with my family, and shift things in my life, instead of staying numb, stagnant and stressed like I was for years.

I can’t recommend Treska enough, I’ve sent so many of my friends her way- even thinking of her and our sessions grounds me, and gives me confidence and inspiration.

If you’re on the fence, know that the only thing you’ll regret is not investing in yourself sooner.”

Kate S.

Need help deciding if Breathwork is for you?

Book a free consult call or send me a note at