Before starting breathwork I felt disconnected from myself and others fueled by feeling stuck in anger at my family and at myself.

Amidst change, aspiring to live a creative, full and connected life, I couldn't seem to get beyond these sticky feelings and reconnect. The disconnection from myself and others left me feeling a lot of despair and self-blame, and I lost any trust in myself. Led by Treska and my own breath, I came home to the parts of me that long needed to be expressed and felt. And from this place of witness, I began opening to loving myself more deeply than I’d ever been able to before.

Breathwork opened me to seeing myself.

As the breath led me back to feeling this wounded child within, I began to take on the role of parent. My life has changed because of this. Old, more destructive ways of coping are less sticky. I feel freer from my anger and resentment because I know I can take care of my own heart. Seeing and caring for my vulnerability through breathwork allowed me to open a bit more to my life. This feels like the beginning self trust
If you have a hunch breathwork is a next step in your journey, trust that. I sensed there were some big feelings beneath my anxiety and anger, but before breathwork, I didn’t know how to access them without spiraling into panic, nor did I know how to move through them. These huge feelings are definitely not encouraged or offered space in our culture, so I had suppressed them for a long time.

Breathwork offered me a safe and powerful way to feel these hidden feelings and come home.

—Breathwork Journey client

My first breathwork session with Treska blew me away.

I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting, and as we started breathing I couldn’t stop thinking. But as the session went on and Treska invited me to vocalize, I suddenly began crying deep sobs. I felt a huge release as I cried and at the end of my session,

I felt connected to a kind of joy and calm I don’t think I’ve ever felt.

This is the most powerful method of clearing that I’ve ever found. I only wish I had found breathwork sooner.

—Breathwork Journey client

Before practicing breathwork, I literally couldn’t take a deep breath.

It felt confusing and frustrating that something as simple as taking a deep breath couldn’t happen in my body, and it made me feel like there was something wrong with me. During my breathwork sessions with Treska,

I began to release old emotions that I didn’t even have names for, and the tears just flowed.

I began to connect with my body, and my breath began to expand. I can take a deep breath now, and I’m so grateful for the way breathwork has allowed me to reconnect to my body and myself.

—Breathwork Journey client

Before I found breathwork, I suffered from this feeling of being stuck, and I wasn’t really sure what I should do with my life- everything felt difficult, overwhelming, and exhausting.

My body was tight and it felt more like a prison, rather than a home. Breathwork allowed me to release the tight and restrictive energy that was seemingly squeezing the life force out of me. It was as if a weight was beginning to lift and I felt lighter - literally.

After several sessions I felt a state of ease, and a deeper capacity and awareness around the direction in which I wanted to take my life.

I would highly suggest working with Treska to all of those who are considering breathwork. She skillfully guided me and provided a safe space for me to discover a new, and easeful way of being.

—Breathwork Journey client

Prior to breathwork, I felt hopeless and out of control, like I was completely beholden to my anxiety. I had no tools to communicate to my body that I was safe.

My biggest challenge was regulating my nervous system after moments of heightened anxiety and stress. I would find myself stuck in (what I now know to be) a sympathetic state. Practicing breathwork with Treska gave me tools to not only to regulate my nervous system after moments of heightened anxiety, but also to meet stuck emotions deep inside of me with love and gently unsettle them from their fugitive home in my body.

Breathwork for me has been a practice of untethering, of recognizing and letting go of my inner-child’s narratives and the harmful practice of emotional suppression that had kept her safe.

I think the most impactful gift of practicing breathwork with Treska has been the connection I now feel to my breath. This connection has allowed me to both tune in to the root cause of my emotional state and recognize where these emotions are living in my body. I was really surprised by my physical and emotional reaction to the two-part breath we practiced during our sessions--it was as if the breath allowed me to reach down into the deepest parts of myself and unsettle emotions that had hidden there. Breathwork has taught me to slow down. To be in tune with my body and be aware when she’s trying to tell me something, to be able to listen and respond to what she’s trying to communicate. Breathwork has shown me that my mind and body are deeply connected and given me the tools to support my body through emotional discord.  

I was initially on the fence about breathwork. I didn’t quite understand how breathing, something I do unconsciously every moment, could have any tangible effect on the issues I had been struggling with.

Throughout my breathwork journey with Treska, I’ve experienced the transformative and empowering effects of the breath. I remain convinced that breathwork has been an absolutely integral part of my healing journey.

I would say that if you’re on the fence about breathwork to give it a chance, particularly if you struggle with anxiety or are in a creative slump -- Treska absolutely has the tools to help you move through these challenges. 

Recently I’ve learned how important it is to have a team of wellness and healthcare professionals supporting you. With all that I’ve gained from my breathwork practice with Treska’s leadership, I can say without any hesitation that you want Treska on your team. 

—Breathwork Journey client